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Understanding a group of rare genetic disorders that make up primary hyperoxaluria (PH), a disease affecting the kidneys that starts in the liver

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What is primary
hyperoxaluria (PH)?

PH is a family of rare inherited disorders of the liver (PH1, PH2, and PH3) that can cause damage to the kidneys and throughout the body.

Learn about PH

Monitoring PH

Learn more about the tests used to monitor your PH.

See tests

Managing PH

Here's what current management options look like for PH.

Management options

Signs of PH

PH varies widely from individual to individual, so someone with PH may experience one or a combination of these warning signs.
If you experience any of these symptoms, contact your healthcare provider.

View symptoms

Caring for kids with PH

Find tips for keeping organized, helping kids drink more water, and getting a 504 plan.

What parents can do

Get updates

Sign up to stay in touch with the latest PH news and learn about resources that may help you or your loved one living with PH.

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